New species of hammerhead shark discovered in Belize XL Label
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new species, hammerhead shark, Belize, Central America, Belize Barrier Reef Reserve system, barrier reef, discovery, Belize Fisheries Department, Florida International University, New species of hammerhead shark discovered in BelizeSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
New gibbon species discovered in Indochina, Spain prohibits hammerhead and thresher shark fisheries, EU verhängt erstmals Importstopp für Fischprodukte aus drei Ländern, EU bans fish imports from Belize, Cambodia, and Guinea, WWF report The Eastern Himalayas – Where Worlds Collide, 1000 new species discovered and described, Smithsonian scientists discover new carnivore: the olinguito, Two new frog species discovered in the Philippines, A New Tarsier Species from Central Sulawesi, Neue Hammerhai-Art vor der Küste von Belize entdeckt, New spider species found in Mexico