21th UN Climate Conference (COP21 | CMP11) XL Label
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21th UN Climate Conference (COP21 | CMP11), Conference of the Parties, Framework Convention on Climate Change, France, Kyoto Protocol, Paris, Paris Agreement on Climate Change , UNFCCC, United Nations, climate policy, climate protectionSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
European conservation conference in Paris, Europäischer Gipfel in Paris, European summit in Paris, Sechste UN-Klimakonferenz in Den Haag (COP 6), Sixth UN Climate Change Conference in Den Haag (COP 6), Fünfte UN-Klimakonferenz in Bonn (COP 5), Fifth UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP 5), First UN Climate Change Conference in Berlin (COP 1), Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über Umwelt und Entwicklung in Rio de Janeiro, Vierte UN-Klimakonferenz in Buenos Aires (COP 4), Fourth UN Climate Change Conference in Buenos Aires (COP 4), High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on biological diversity, Paris schränkt Autoverkehr ein, Paris bans half of city's traffic, EU cars to reduce CO2 emissions, Governor Brown Signs Landmark Climate Legislation, Over 20,000 seabirds killed in French storm, Paris Agreement enters into force, Federal Government makes 35 million euros available for forest climate fund, Siebzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Durban (COP 17 / CMP 7), Seventeenth UN Climate change conference in Durban (COP 17 / CMP 7), Conserving continuous forests is important for mitigation of climate change, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Pakistan ordered to enforce climate law by Lahore court, 22th UN Climate Conference (COP22 | CMP12), Windturbinen für den Eiffelturm, Eiffel Tower fitted with two wind turbines, International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013, European Parliament decides against new climate policy resolution, Twentieth UN Climate Conference (COP 20 | CMP 10), Negotiating Text Officially Published, Greenpeace activists occupy France’s Fessenheim nuclear power plant, Parliament adopts CO2 market stability reserve, France Passes New Energy Law, Recast of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings, International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, France annouces plan to build France's first offshore wind farm, Seventh Petersberg Climate Dialogue, Cargo Ship Juno breaks up off France, Sechzehnte UN- Klimakonferenz in Cancún (COP 16 / CMP 6), Sixteenth UN Climate Change Conference Cancun (COP 16 / CMP 6), Commission proposes to improve common greenhouse gas accounting rules for forestry and agriculture, UN Water Resolution, Dritte UN-Klimakonferenz in Kyoto (COP 3), Third UN Climate Change Conference in Kyoto (COP 3), 2030 climate and energy policy framework, France destroys illegal ivory, Supreme Court blocks EPA's air pollution rules for power plants, Petersberg Climate Dialogue V "Addressing the urgency – stepping up our contributions", Neunzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Warschau (COP 19 / CMP 9), Nineteenth UN Climate Conference in Warsaw (COP 19 / CMP 9), Right Livelihood Award 2009 for Climate Protection, Incident at French Penly-2 nuclear power plant, Bonn wins the vote to host the IPBES secretariat, Thirteen US companies sign on to White House climate change pledge, Biosphere Conference in Paris, EU Reference Laboratory (EURL) for bee health, Fossil of the Day to Germany at COP22, Joint Implementation has undermined global climate ambition, study finds, France launches 3GW offshore wind tender, Germany increases support for forest protection, Fracking ban upheld by French constitutional court, Nantes – European Green Capital 2013, Internationaler Frachtverkehr vervierfacht sich bis 2050, International freight transport to quadruple by 2050, European Parliament keeps carbon prices low, Paris verbannt luftverpestende Busse und Lkw ab Juli 2015, Paris to ban the most polluting diesel vehicles by July 2015, Paris Agreement Signing Ceremony, United Nations Watercourses Convention enters into force, French shop window lighting ban, President Obama's Clean Power Plan, Autofreier Sonntag in Paris, Car-free sunday in Paris, United Nations upgrades Environment Programme, European Environment Agency: EU shows leadership ahead of Paris with 23% emissions cut, Dreizehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Bali (COP 13 / CMP 3), Thirteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Bali (COP 13 / CMP 3), Zwölfte UN-Klimakonferenz in Nairobi (COP 12 / CMP 2), Twelfth UN Climate Chance Conference, Nairobi (COP 12 / CMP 2), Climate protection through conservation of mangroves in the South Pacific, UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted, Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Leading climate scientists publish essential elements for a global climate agreement, United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification, International Year of Biodiversity wins the Green Award as best global environmental campaign, Chemical explosion in Toulouse, France, Sperm Whale Stranding in the Nort Sea, Internationales Jahr der biologischen Vielfalt 2010, Flooding in France, Fünfzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen (COP 15 / CMP 5), Fifteenth UN Climate Change Confernce (COP 15 / CMP 5), Vierzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Poznań, Fourteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Überschwemmungen in Frankreich, COP21 Klimamarsch in Paris nach Anschlägen abgesagt, COP21 climate marches in Paris not authorised following attacks, India to ratify Paris climate deal on Gandhi’s birthday, Greenhouse gas emissions fall by 2.9 percent in 2011, Developing countries accept 2-degree goal, Achtzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Doha (COP 18 / CMP 8), Eighteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Doha (COP 18 / CMP 8), International Year of Light, International Chemicals Management - SAICM, Freighter TK Bremen runs aground off Brittany coast, World Wildlife Day, Pipeline spills crude into French nature reserve, French nuclear power plant shut down on Cooling Problems, Eröffnung des Internationalen Jahres der Wasserkooperation 2013 in Paris, Launch of the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013, Bonn climate negotiations: Implementation phase of Paris Agreement begins, Germany submits sustainable develoment report to UN, 2009 shows 8.4% decline in greenhouse gas emissions, Global citizen consultation on climate action, Launch of Independent Review of IPCC Processes and Procedures, Explosion at French nuclear site, Paris verhängt Fahrverbot, Paris car ban, Green Climate Fund ‘ready’ to start work, New fund a major boost for Amazon protection, Gebrauchsanweisung für klimaverträgliche Investitionen präsentiert, A manual for climate-friendly investments, Synthesebericht der UNFCCC für den Klimagipfel vorgestellt, EU-Umweltminister beschließen Verhandlungsmandat für Klimakonferenz der Vereinten Nationen, EU environment ministers prepare the EU position for the UN Climate Change Conference, EU-Umweltminister stimmen Ratifizierung des Klimaabkommens von Paris, Ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement, Federal Cabinet adopts Adaptation Action Plan, Netherlands State ordered to further limit greenhouse gas emissions, EU-GHS entered into force, World's first eHighway opens in Sweden, Survey on Environmental Awareness in Germany 2010, Germany met its climate protection commitments under the Kyoto Protocol in 2008, Jjoint study by BMU, UBA and BDE: Climate protection potential of waste industry, Katholische Kirche appeliert an die Verhandlungsparteien der Klimakonferenz in Paris, Continental Church Appeal to COP 21 Negotiating Panel, President Obama speaks on climate change, The assessment of climate change mitigation cost is going to be improved., Emissions Reduction Fund legislation passed by Australian Senate, Erstes globales Klimaschutzabkommen beschlossen, First global climate agreement adopted, 21. UN Klimakonferenz (COP 21 / CMP 11), Neunte UN-Klimakonferenz in Mailand (COP 9), Ninth UN Climate Chance Conference, Milan (COP 9), Elfte UN-Klimakonferenz in Montreal (COP 11/ CMP 1), Eleventh Un Climate Chance Conference, Montreal (COP 11/ CMP 1), The Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction launched in Bharain, People's Climate March, Ban-Ki-moon-Summit 2014, Faith Commitments for a Living Planet, Launch of a World Energy Outlook Special Report, Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map, Launch of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT), Länder einigen sich auf den Verhandlungstext für den Klimagipfel in Paris, Ccountries agreed on the negotiating text for the climate summit in Paris, Incident at Fessenheim Nuclear Power Plant (France), Zehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Buenos Aires (COP 10), Tenth UN Climate Change Conference, Buenos Aires (COP 10), NRW cabinet adopts climate protection act, Blue Angel for Climate-Relevant Products, Incident at Tricastin, France, Rhino shot dead by poachers at French zoo , Nashorn in französischem Zoo gewildert, General Assembly adopts the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030, UNESCO zeichnet acht neue Geoparks in Asien, Europa und Lateinamerika aus, Eight Geological sites in Asia, Europe and Latin America become UNESCO Global Geoparks, Bonn Challenge crosses the 150 million hectare milestone, OECD Study: Climate action will boost economic growth for all G20 countries, G7 Summit ends without agreement on climate change, First UN Ocean Conference, Biosphären-Konferenz in Paris, UN officially notified of US intention to withdraw from Paris climate pact , 2014-2024 United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, 23th UN Climate Conference (COP23 | CMP13), Tanker accident off the west coast of France - oil tanker 'Erika'