

Alternative Label of



Global carbon dioxide concentrations surpass 400 parts per million, NOAA, carbon dioxide concentrations, greenhouse gas, monthly global average concentration, surpassed 400 parts per million

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Methane releases from Arctic shelf may be much larger and faster than anticipated, Surprising climate balance: In the long term lakes in permafrost areas have sequestered more greenhouse gas from the atmosphere than they released during their formation, China burns much more coal than reported, Greenhouse Gases in the Southern Ocean: First Evidence of Active Methane Emission at the Antarctic Seafloor, Juli 2015 weltweit heißester Monat, Globale Kohlendioxidkonzentration CO2 erreicht 400 ppm, Eastern Europe countries reject IPCC target of zero emissions by 2100, NASA : 2013 bestätigt den Trend der globalen Klimaerwärmung, NASA Finds 2013 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend, Methane impact on global warming much greater than thought, NOAA erklärt den Tod von Walen im Golf von Alaska als ungewöhnliches Ereignis, NOAA declares deaths of large whales in Gulf of Alaska an unusual mortality event, European Parliament backs back-loading proposal, Serious greenhouse-gas accounting error related to bioenergy identified, 2014: Wärmster September seit 1880, 2014 - Warmest September on record, European Environment Agency: EU shows leadership ahead of Paris with 23% emissions cut, Juni 2015 war weltweit der wärmste, June 2015 was warmest June on record for the globe, August 2014 war weltweit der heißeste Monat seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnung, August 2014 was hottest on record worldwide, Global emissions of greenhouse gases have reached another new all-time high, CO2 emissions fall in 2011 despite strong economy, NASA, NOAA: 2014 wärmstes Jahr seit Wetteraufzeichnung, NASA, NOAA Find 2014 Warmest Year in Modern Record, NOAA Auswertung: Erwärmungspause gab es nicht, NOAA analysis: Data show no recent slowdown in global warming, Rekordtemperaturen im März 2010, March 2010 was warmest on record, 400 ppm auch am Südpol gemessen, South Pole is last place on Earth to pass global warming milestone, Dritte weltweite Korallenbleiche seit Beginn der Beobachtungen, NOAA declares third ever global coral bleaching event, GOES-R Wettersatellit gestartet, NOAA’s GOES-R satellite heads to orbit, US-Studie der Klimabehörde NOAA warnt vor Feinstaub aus dem Schiffsverkehr, Commercial ships spew half as much particulate pollution as world's cars, EU emissions trading system: Council of Member States votes in favour of negotiations with European Parliament, Singapore plans carbon tax from 2019, Record-low sea ice extent at the poles, Carbon dioxide concentrations reach 410 ppm, NOAA: Global coral bleaching event ending, International report confirms 2016 was warmest year on record for the globe, Study proves methane leaks around North Sea boreholes