Ministers Agree on Detailed Actions for Environmental Protection in the Danube River Basin XL Label
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Ministers Agree on Detailed Actions for Environmental Protection in the Danube River Basin, Danube river basin, ICPDR, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River , Vienna, environmental protection, ministerial meetingSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
International Fishing Congress in Vienna., Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Founding, Danube Conference in Vienna adopts package of measures, Chile blocks Pascua-Lama mine, Sixth Review Meeting of Contracting Parties to Convention on Nuclear Safety, Federal Association of Environmental Action Groups, BMU Brochure "Umweltschutz schafft Perspektiven", German Environmental Award 2011, Survey on Environmental Awareness in Germany 2010, Fighting Poverty through Environmental Policy, IRENA agrees on a three-way solution to the headquarters question