

Alternative Label of



European Parliament, deep-sea fishing, ban, regulation, European Parliament ban deep-sea fishing below 800 meters

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

Greenpeace action against whaling, First regulation on orderly waste disposal, European Parliament votes to limit crop-based biofuels, MEPs vote for tougher rules on reducing single-use plastic bags, Paris bans half of city's traffic, European Parliament for the protection of the Birds and Habitats Directives, European Parliament calls Commission to order over endocrine disruptors, Environment: New rules on illegal timber come into force across EU, Seveso III rules are approve by MEPs, Parliament demands tougher rules to save the European eel stock, European Parliament decides against new climate policy resolution, Bahamas bans shark fishing, MEPs clamp down on wasteful use of plastic carrier bags, Parliament adopts CO2 market stability reserve, New York City bans single-use styrofoam products, Bluefin tuna: Council agrees on update of the multiannual recovery plan, Paris Agreement to enter into force as EU agrees ratification, European Parliament backs back-loading proposal, Parliament backs law to cut car CO2 emissions Plenary Session, Fracking Bans Pass in Denton, Texas, European Commission proposes full ban on driftnets, European Council adopts rules on invasive alien species, Parliament backs EU-wide plans to stem the spread of invasive alien species, Chemical method replaces biological process for detecting marine biotoxins, Commission welcomes Parliament's adoption of Maritime Spatial Planning legislation, Climate: EU should move to 30% emissions reduction target, say MEPs, Regulate fracking now, Fracking ban upheld by French constitutional court, European Parliament votes against patents on plants and animals, Ban on plastic bags at L.A. markets is approved, California Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags, Paris to ban the most polluting diesel vehicles by July 2015, Significant conservation victory for the Great Barrier Reef, French shop window lighting ban, Environment MEPs vote to curb off-road engine pollution, Antarctic fuel oil ban enters into force, ENVI: Vote on Fluorinated greenhouse gases, EU bans fish imports from Belize, Cambodia, and Guinea, Ferries banned from dumping toilet waste in Baltic Sea, Mexico bans gillnets, Genetically modified corn ban was justified, Ban on seal products in the EU, New York to ban fracking due to health risks, Revision of "Eurovignette" Directive, Proposal for a regulation reducing so-called standby power consumption, European Parliament seals climate change package, European Parliamnet adopts resolution to halt biodiversity loss by 2020, Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics, Emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles, A new regulation to restrict the phosphates in detergents by the Council, EU 100 watt light bulbs ban comes into force, Air quality: MEPs approve new national caps on pollutants, MEP back revised EIA Directive, President Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans, Genetically modified corn ban in Germany, EU countries will be allowed to tax plastic bags, EP plenary vote on Biocide Regulation, New performance standards for vacuum cleaners become effective, Parliament approves measures to support carbon permit prices, EU votes for non-renewal of three herbicides, Revision of the Waste Framework Directive, European Parliament adopted Plant Protection Products Regulation, MEPs back new national caps on pollutants, EU approves new rules for Member States to drastically cut air pollution, European Citizens Launch Initiative to Ban Glyphosate, EU Parliament votes in simpler energy efficiency labels , EU Parliament votes to ban pesticides from ecological focus areas, Mexico bans gill nets to save endangered vaquita porpoise, Kenya plastic bag ban comes into force, European Commission proposes a ban on Baltic Eel Fisheries, European Commission proposes a ban on Baltic Eel Fisheries
