Frankfurt airport night flight ban confirmed XL Label
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Frankfurt airport night flight ban confirmed, Frankfurt am Main, air traffic, aircraft noise, ban on night flights, noise protectionSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
Biodiversitätsexperten aus aller Welt verabschieden Frankfurter Deklaration, International experts on biodiversity adopt Frankfurt Declaration, The Amendments of Act for Protection against Aircraft Noise enter into force, Directive on Environmental Noise, Study at Cologne-Bonn airport points to heightened risk of cardiovascular ailments owing to night-time aircraft noise, Grüne Haupstadt Europas 2014 ist Kopenhagen, Nachtflugverbot in Frankfurt bleibt bestehen, The Council of the European Union adopted a decision to delay by one year implementation of the Emissions Trading Scheme for incoming and outgoing international flights., Lufthansa launches first scheduled flights using biofuel, Erste Verleihung der neuen Senckenberg-Preise in Frankfurt