International Summit on the Conservation of the African Elephant XL Label
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International Summit on the Conservation of the African Elephant, African Elephant, African Elephant Summit, Botswana, Gaborone, International Summit on the Conservation of the African ElephantSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
Mass killing of Cameroons elephants, Internationaler Gipfel zum Schutz des Afrikanischen Elefanten, Five presidents sign a treaty to establish the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, Okavango Delta zum 1000. Unesco-Weltnaturerbe erklärt, Botswana verkauft Fracking-Rechte im Nationalpark, Botswana sells fracking rights in national park, Africa’s Longest-Known Terrestrial Wildlife Migration Discovered, Internationaler Gipfel gegen illegalen Wildtierhandel in Botswana, Kasane Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade