Glyphosate: EFSA assesses IARC findings XL Label
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Glyphosate: EFSA assesses IARC findings, BfR, EFSA, European Food Safety Authority, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Glyphosate, IARC, International Agency for Research on CancerSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
WHO: Glyphosat „wahrscheinlich“ krebserregend bei Menschen, WHO: Glyphosate ‘Probably Carcinogenic to Humans’, Luftverschmutzung als krebserregend eingestuft, IARC: Outdoor air pollution a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths, Glyphosate: EFSA updates toxicological profile, IARC veröffentlicht Studiensammlung für die Bewertung von Glyphosat, Glyphosate Monograph now available, Glyphosate found in urine of Europeans - study, Glyphosat: EFSA bewertet IARC-Ergebnisse, EFSA: Kein Gesundheitsrisiko für Verbraucher durch Bisphenol A-Exposition, EFSA: No consumer health risk from bisphenol A exposure, Open letter: Review of the Carcinogenicity of Glyphosate by EFSA and BfR, EFSA bewertet Risiken für Bienen durch Fipronil, EFSA assesses risks to bees from fipronil, Glyphosate not classified as a carcinogen by ECHA