Fifth UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP 5) XL-Label
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Fifth UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP 5), Bonn, COP 5, Climate Change Conference, Framework Convention on Climate Change, Germany, Klimakonferenz, UNFCCC, United NationsSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
First drinking water reservoir in Germany., First centralised water supply in Germany, First sewage system in Germany, First sewage treatment plant in Germany, First Greenpeace activities in Germany, End of leaded standard petrol in Germany, Greenpeace Aktion zur Klimakonferenz in Berlin, Germany's first "Environmental Field Hospitals", Near-disaster in the North Sea off Germany, Climate goals in Germany, Sustainable development in Germany, First bird conservation day in Germany, Sechste UN-Klimakonferenz in Den Haag (COP 6), Sixth UN Climate Change Conference in Den Haag (COP 6), Fünfte UN-Klimakonferenz in Bonn (COP 5), Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über Umwelt und Entwicklung in Rio de Janeiro, Vierte UN-Klimakonferenz in Buenos Aires (COP 4), Fourth UN Climate Change Conference in Buenos Aires (COP 4), High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on biological diversity, EU to support development of electric vehicle transport roads in Europe, Brazilian – German Joint Statement on Climate Change, German Federal Cabinet approves Climate Action Plan 2050, Germany: Air quality 2010, Germany deposits instrument of ratification, Siebzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Durban (COP 17 / CMP 7), Seventeenth UN Climate change conference in Durban (COP 17 / CMP 7), Interim assessment of air quality data of 2012, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 22th UN Climate Conference (COP22 | CMP12), International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013, Federal cabinet adopted the Government Programme for Electric Mobility, Zwanzigste UN-Klimakonferenz (COP 20 | CMP 10), Twentieth UN Climate Conference (COP 20 | CMP 10), Negotiating Text Officially Published, Federal Agency for Nature presents red list of vertebrates in Germany, International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Sechzehnte UN- Klimakonferenz in Cancún (COP 16 / CMP 6), Sixteenth UN Climate Change Conference Cancun (COP 16 / CMP 6), WHO-Zentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit in Bonn eröffnet, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health opened in Bonn, Röttgen inaugurates Innovation and Technology Centre for renewable energies in Bonn, Welttreuhandfonds für Kulturpflanzenvielfalt eröffnet seinen Sitz in Bonn, Global Crop Diversity Trust Headquarters on the Move: Crop Trust Welcomed to Germany, UBA study: Germany able to make 43-percent savings on its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, UN Water Resolution, Germany marks 30 years of efforts to protect the Antarctic, Commission refers GERMANY to the Court of Justice of the EU over water pollution caused by nitrates, Dritte UN-Klimakonferenz in Kyoto (COP 3), Third UN Climate Change Conference in Kyoto (COP 3), Germany's First Offshore Wind Farm is Formally Commissioned, NABU starts project to to reduce marine litter, Germany is proposing a Marine Protected Area in Antartica, Neunzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Warschau (COP 19 / CMP 9), Nineteenth UN Climate Conference in Warsaw (COP 19 / CMP 9), German national sustainability strategy " Perspectives for Germany", Internationale Bonner Waldtage 2011, International Bonn Forest Days 2011, Internationale Waldkonferenz zur nachhaltigen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und Erhaltung der Wälder, Conference “Contributions of Forests to a Green Economy”, WWF Deutschland gegründet, IPBES Sekretariat geht nach Bonn, Bonn wins the vote to host the IPBES secretariat, RSK publishes safety review report, Dänisches Wattenmeer wird Teil des Weltnaturerbes, A new president for the Federal Environment Agency, Fossil of the Day to Germany at COP22, Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice, Start of an Exemplary Sino-German Cooperation on Municipal Climate Protection between the Cities of Düsseldorf and Wuxi, Germany increases support for forest protection, Bundeskabinett tritt Gründungsübereinkommen zum Globalen Treuhandfonds für Nutzpflanzenvielfalt bei, Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011, Paris Agreement Signing Ceremony, Deutschland bewirbt sich um den Sitz des Grünen Klimafonds, Germany offers to host Green Climate Fund, United Nations Watercourses Convention enters into force, WWF Amazon Day, New record: renewables make up 78% of power consumption, Living Lake of the Year 2016 - Lake Constance, German nuclear power plants to undergo safety review, Weltbiodiversitätsrat IPBES eröffnet offiziell Sekretariat in Bonn, World Biodiversity Council IPBES Secretariat opened in Bonn, Ancient Beech Forests - Germany submits nomination for UNESCO World Heritage List, Federal Republic of Germany becomes the 64th member state of UNESCO, United Nations upgrades Environment Programme, Dreizehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Bali (COP 13 / CMP 3), Thirteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Bali (COP 13 / CMP 3), Zwölfte UN-Klimakonferenz in Nairobi (COP 12 / CMP 2), Twelfth UN Climate Chance Conference, Nairobi (COP 12 / CMP 2), MAB ICC 2011 in Dresden, Germany, Tanker sinks after explosions at refinery Emsland, Permanent German-Dutch Boundary Water Commission celebrates anniversary, OSPAR Abkommen schützt Mittelatlantischen Rücken, OSPAR protects Mid-Atlantic Ridge, UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted, Postzustellung in Bonn wird CO2-neutral, Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification, International Year of Biodiversity wins the Green Award as best global environmental campaign, Sperm Whale Stranding in the Nort Sea, Internationales Jahr der biologischen Vielfalt 2010, Fünfzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen (COP 15 / CMP 5), Fifteenth UN Climate Change Confernce (COP 15 / CMP 5), The first Lynx Path in Germany, Vierzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Poznań, Fourteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Greenhouse gas emissions fall by 2.9 percent in 2011, Emissions trading: 9.4 percent lower CO2 emissions in 2009, Germany's first electricity generated by nuclear power, Bonner Klimagespräche - Juni 2009, Bonn Climate Change Talks - June 2009, Anzahl gebietsferner Fischarten steigt in Deutschland, Klima 2008 / Climate 2008 - Die weltweite CO2-freundliche wissenschaftliche Klimakonferenz, Drittes Treffen des Weltbiodiversitätsrates IPBES, Third meeting of the World Biodiversity Council (IPBES), Germany first country to ratify IRENA's Statute, Weltrisikobericht 2011 veröffentlicht, Neues Naturschutzgroßprojekt zwischen Siebengebirge und Sieg, Achtzehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Doha (COP 18 / CMP 8), Eighteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Doha (COP 18 / CMP 8), International Year of Light, International Chemicals Management - SAICM, EU Commission closes German case on designation of special protection areas, Germany: Particulate matter concentrations also high in 2009, World Wildlife Day, Greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 at their lowest since 1990, 1000 neue Arten wissenschaftlich beschrieben, 1000 new species discovered and described, Third National Forest Inventory, Bonner Klimaverhandlungen: Phase der Umsetzung des Pariser Klima-Abkommens beginnt, Bonn climate negotiations: Implementation phase of Paris Agreement begins, Germany submits sustainable develoment report to UN, Launch of Independent Review of IPCC Processes and Procedures, Goldman prize 2011: Ursula Sladek, UN-Konferenz in Bonn beschließt Schutzpläne für Schweinswale in Nord- und Ostsee, UN Conference in Bonn agrees Action Plans for Harbour Porpoises in the North and Baltic Sea, A manual for climate-friendly investments, Commission refers Germany to the Court of Justice of the EU over failure to apply Directive on mobile air conditioning, Synthesebericht der UNFCCC für den Klimagipfel vorgestellt, UN-Klimaverhandlungen in Bonn, UN Climate negotiations in Bonn, Essen ist Grüne Hauptstadt Europas 2017, Bonn Climate Change Talks August 2009, Internationale Konferenz Bonn Challenge tagte in Bonn, International Conference Bonn Challenge met in Bonn, Germany: Hottest April in 120 Years, Swabian Alb and Bliesgau recognized as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, Low-emission zones, Erste Sitzung des Weltbeirats zum Wiederaufbau von Wäldern in Bonn, First meeting of the Global Restoration Council in Bonn, Erste Internationale BION-Konferenz in Bonn, 1st International BION Conference in Bonn, New York Climate Summit launches new initiatives to protect forests, EU-GHS entered into force, Genetically modified corn ban in Germany, Kartendienst zur Luftqualität, Germany met its climate protection commitments under the Kyoto Protocol in 2008, Deutschland erhöht Klimafinanzierung, Veröffentlichung des erstes Online-Atlas für Amphibien und Reptilien, Petersberger Klimadialog, Petersberg Climate Dialogue, Plant for the Planet: The millionth tree in Germany, Jjoint study by BMU, UBA and BDE: Climate protection potential of waste industry, New initiative for investments in climate action, IPBES 1: Erste Plenarsitzung des Weltbiodiversitätsrats IPBES, IPBES 1: First meeting of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 21. UN Klimakonferenz (COP 21 / CMP 11), 21th UN Climate Conference (COP21 | CMP11), Neunte UN-Klimakonferenz in Mailand (COP 9), Ninth UN Climate Chance Conference, Milan (COP 9), Elfte UN-Klimakonferenz in Montreal (COP 11/ CMP 1), Eleventh Un Climate Chance Conference, Montreal (COP 11/ CMP 1), Fishing for Litter in Germany, The Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction launched in Bharain, Ban-Ki-moon-Summit 2014, Foreign Office publishes “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany”, Länder einigen sich auf den Verhandlungstext für den Klimagipfel in Paris, Ccountries agreed on the negotiating text for the climate summit in Paris, Sunniest spring ever recorded, IRENA agrees on a three-way solution to the headquarters question, Hundreds of thousands protest against nuclear energy, German Premiere of Jacques Perrin's "Oceans", Zehnte UN-Klimakonferenz in Buenos Aires (COP 10), Tenth UN Climate Change Conference, Buenos Aires (COP 10), Germany’s Beech Forests inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, IRENA einigt sich auf Dreierlösung in Hauptquartier-Frage, Levels of particulate matter too high in Germany’s urban areas, WWF Study: Germany's Water Footprint, Germany August 2010 was the rainiest on record, Government Adopts Energy Concept, Greenpeace activists protested against the nuclear policy of the German government, Emissions trading: auctioning of allowances in Germany to be launched in 2010, European Commission warns Germany of continued air pollution breaches, Living Lake of the Year 2017 - Lake Steinhude, European Forest Institute hat neuen Sitz in Bonn, EFI’s Bonn office welcomed in Germany, General Assembly adopts the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030, Landgericht Bonn weist Schadensersatzklage der EnBW Baden-Württemberg AG ab, Germany has become the first country in the European Union (EU) to introduce a limit on uranium in drinking water, First UN Ocean Conference, UN officially notified of US intention to withdraw from Paris climate pact , 2014-2024 United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, Deutschland ratifiziert zweite Verpflichtungsperiode des Kyoto-Protokolls, The Federal Cabinet adopted a Copernicus strategy for Germany, 60 packs of wolves living across Germany, COP 23 erhält offizielle EMAS-Validierungsurkunde für nachhaltige Ausrichtung , COP 23 awarded official EMAS certification for sustainable organisation, 23th UN Climate Conference (COP23 | CMP13), 23. UN Klimakonferenz (COP 23 / CMP 13), Federal Environment Agency publishes maps on nitrate pollution of rivers in Germany (Nitrate Reports 2008, 2012 and 2016 and EU Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC)), Green belt Germany becomes national heritage of nature, German Packaging Act comes into force at the beginning of 2019