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WWF report identifies regions at risk for catastrophic deforestation by 2030, Amazon, Borneo, Greater Mekong, Living Forests report, Sumatra, WWF’ report, deforestation, deforestation fronts

Schreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:

Ölkatastrophe vor Sumatra, Oil spillage off Sumatra, The EU’s complicity in illegal tropical deforestation, Conserving continuous forests is important for mitigation of climate change, Banco Santander stops financing forest destruction, WWF-Bericht: 123 neue Arten auf Borneo entdeckt, Ecuador’s parliament approves drilling for oil in Yasuni National Park, Seltenes Sumatra-Nashorn in Gefangenschaft geboren, Endangered rhino born in captivity, Study shows rapid deforestation in Malaysia, Elefanten auf Sumatra wegen Lebensraumverlust vom Aussterben bedroht, Brazil President vetoes parts of forest law, Brazilian court halts Belo Monte hydro-electric dam project, Brazilian court halts Belo Monte Dam construction, Brazilian Court Approves Construction Of Controversial Amazon Dam, New monkey species found in the Amazon, Drought Sensitivity of the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil build Belo Monte hydroelectric dam in Amazon rainforest, Greenpeace repor "Slaughtering the Amazon", The 2010 Amazon Drought, Oil Spill in Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest, Brazil creates five new protected areas in the Amazon, Kenya Launches Multimillion Dollar Appeal to Restore Vital Mau Forest, Brazil's Parliament approves controversial forest law, Neue Orang-Utan Population auf Borneo entdeckt, New Indonesian orang-utan population discovered, Carbon Mapping Breakthrough, WWF-Studie „Deforestation Fronts“ zeigt globale Waldvernichtung bis 2030, Extreme Luftverschmutzung in Singapur, WWF: 2011 Forest Living Report Chapter 1, Deforestation reaches record high in Brazil , Defekte Öl-Pipeline verursacht Ölteppich vor Borneo, Broken oil pipeline causes oil spill off Borneo, Tsunami Katastrophe in Asien (Weihnachten 2004)