World Day to Combat Desertification XL-Label
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World Day to Combat Desertification, World Day to Combat Desertification, combat, desert, desertification, deserts, drought, droughts, world daySchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification, EUA Report "Water resources across Europe — confronting water scarcity and drought", Drought Sensitivity of the Amazon Rainforest, International Year of Deserts and Desertification 2006, The 2010 Amazon Drought, Rio Negro drops to record low, WMO publishes the Atlas of the Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes, Desertec Industrial Initiative launched in Munich, Spain begins to flood park with peat fire, November 2011: The driest month since records began in 1881, Mongolian Cabinet holds meeting in Gobi desert