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First UN World Population Conference in Mexico, First, UN, World, Population, Conference, Mexico

Schreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:

Conference, Oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, First centralised water supply in Germany, First sewage system in Germany, First hydroelectric power, First sewage treatment plant in Germany, First drinking water reservoir in Germany., First soda factory, First synthetic Ammonia production, First international conservation conference, First Greenpeace activities in Germany, Population evacuated from an atoll in the Marshall Islands, First magazine on chlorine-free paper, Greenpeace demonstration at the Berlin Climate Conference, 30th World Health Assembly, First European Conference on Environment and Health, World Health Report, Second European Conference on Environment and Health, 3rd European Conference on Environment and Health, UN Environment Conference in Stockholm, First report to the Club of Rome, First UN World Population Conference in Bucharest, UN World Population Conference (International Conference on Population and Development) in Cairo, World Food Conference in Rome, World Food Summit in Rome, World Food Programme (WFP), First regulations on health and material quality, First regulation on orderly waste disposal, First European Environmental Action programme, First car-free Sunday, First general administrative guidelines under the Federal Immissions Control Act (Technical Guidelines on Air Quality - TA Luft), First report by the German Environment Ministry's Advisory Scientific Council, First bird conservation day in Germany, First mains water in Zittau, First mains water in Breslau, First sewage treatment works, First waste incineration plant., Volkszählung: Zahl der Berggorillas gestiegen, Sixteenth UN Climate Change Conference Cancun (COP 16 / CMP 6), Mexico bans gillnets, UN setzt unabhängiges Aufsichtsgremium für den Weltklimarat ein, Mining Spill in Mexico, Neue Orang-Utan Population auf Borneo entdeckt, Monarch butterfly migration at risk of disappearing, First carbon-free polar station opens in Antarctica, 1st Asia Ministerial Conference (AMC) on Tiger Conservation, Historic environmental flow in the Colorado River, Bestand an Grauergorillas im Kongo ist drastisch zurückgegangen, New spider species found in Mexico, Mexico bans gill nets to save endangered vaquita porpoise