Framework Convention on Climate (UNFCC) XL-Label
enBevorzugte Benennung von
Alternative Benennung von
Framework Convention on Climate (UNFCC), Framework, Convention, Climate, UNFCCSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
London Dumping Convention, London Dumping Convention, Greenpeace demonstration at the Berlin Climate Conference, Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Whaling Convention, Alpine Convention, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Helsinki Convention comes fully into force, OSPAR Convention, Climate goals in Germany, Erste UN-Klimakonferenz in Berlin (COP 1), First UN Climate Change Conference in Berlin (COP 1), Zweite UN-Klimakonferenz in Genf (COP 2), Second United Climate Change Conference in Geneva (COP 2), Convention für the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS) 1972, Petersberg Climate Dialogue